Friday, May 24, 2024

Rafah soup vs Hungarian goulash

 © 2023 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

U.N. top court orders Israel to ‘immediately halt’ Rafah offensive


You world leaders enforce both the ICC and the ICJ decisions and orders on pain of more leaders being accused by facts on the ground of being directly responsible for omnicide.

Rafah offensive
Savage heartless omnicide
Spawned ten decades back

Spawned ten decades back
Jewish state in Palestine
Imperial dream

Displacing locals
Palestines people displaced
Three quarter million

Count Bernadot shot
Killing one's own built Israel
To locals rancor

Dimona demon
Great position of evil
Swallow Palestine!

India and Israel
Engage in trade relations
US rulers love

But Charbahar No!
US will apply sanctions
We are like Iran!

Biggest enemy
Mining nature killing her
Dams- gravity slaves.

Dams cause climate change
All designs made invalid.
Invent a new wheel

But with dams still in
You will be completely gone
To fossil records.

Rise up remove Dams
Regenerate life-her charms
Suck negentropy

Stop bombing buildings
They release uranium
Life's extreme danger

Stop all your wars now
Bring back the climax forests
Grand negentropy!

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 

25 May 2024

1 comment:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


You say omnicide is acceptable? I have seen how millions of Hungarians migrated to the USA fleeing USSR's terror about 7 decades ago. Have a heart. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Is Justice In or Out? : Wars, ecological health and world dam dynamics.blogspot.

One is really shocked at how maleducated the world rulers are.
No wonder India is confused and
witnessing mass suicide in all strata of society. The leaders of modern civilization, a society of specialists have failed to see the imminent danger of omnicide wrought by the world's dams.
Really one needs changeover to a normal civilization with nature as the bottomline. The people must force the rulers to stop warring and concentrate on survival.