Sunday, September 29, 2024

500 million vs 10 million

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


500 million people in the middle-east vs under ten million in Israel. This represents 50000 megawatts of power of people in the middle-east vs 1000 megawatts of humans in Israel. A ratio of 50 to 1 is desperately being tried to be transformed to nought by war and recruitment of the people of Bharat Mata in units of 10000 skilled construction workers and other means like support from USA. But the strip of Israeli land among others are being threatened by modern civilization's wonder tech called the world's dams continuously. So all the nations must sink their differences and busy themselves with removing the dams and allow forest regeneration with people's cooperatives and enjoy the power of nature to the full. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2024. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.blogspot.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Hippocratic Oath and Justice

The Frightful and Sober facets of criminal justice delivery


© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

In the newsreport

Re:"Reacting to the arrest of former R.G. Kar principal Sandip Ghosh and Tala police station officer in-charge Abhijit Mondal in the rape and murder case, Dr. Halder said, “The CM and her associates came to know about their arrests and that is the real reason why they refused to meet us at the last moment. We have said from day one that there have been attempts to tamper evidence. These arrests prove that the five-point demands that we have about the arrests and evidence tampering are justified.”

The SC is at it and Justice will be seen to be delivered after due process.

In the ICJ AND ICC this would possibly also mean immediate justice to the victims and those collaterally harmed. The WB CM, the hospital authorities and the police would stand the risk of being impeached and dismissed and more forthwith respectively. The beating around the live streaming by the government falls under the famous Cantor's anomaly especially when even though it is sub judice at the SC, it is being telecast live at the SC.

As far as the stand taken by the docs in this connection we can safely conclude that they are obeying the hippocratic oath administered to them and through thick and thin people and the country are assured of quick justice and assurance of safety at all times including nights.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 

(C) 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 


See  Nehru's remorse:

Research shows that the world’s dams are responsible for 92 percent of climate change and only 8 percent is due to greenhouse gas emissions. They are causing geomorphological changes of moving more than ten trillion tons of earth in minutes equivalent to one thousand one megaton hydrogen bombs exploding very frequently. See the events in this monsoon for a chronology of disasters involving living beings. Check out what needs to be done at Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2024. REFOREST MOTHER EARTH TO LIVE: BRING BACK NORMAL CLIMATE.BLOGSPOT.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Some results of irrelevant education in modern civilization

 (C)  2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 

Comments by Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 


World governance leaves much to be desired. Sloth, lust, anger and  Greed and not being good in thought, word and deed, resulting in impossible conditions of living like the horrors of world dam dynamics causing frequent climate disasters leave the rulers least  affected in their ivory towers of steel and concrete while people are forced to migrate on boats which more often than not sink.  Implement relevant education after awareness has been inculcated in the rulers, the only beings who are wild while others are well and truly integral as nature. Some are given away land of others- Israel while they are allowed to cause omnicide in Palestine. The world leaders must change so the climate for living is to be reestablished. Life is precious in infinite continuous diversity. Heed you wild beings now else you be fossilized. Don't you see how IVFs have proliferated because of involuntary contamination and your thoughtless geomorphological changes? See the online realtime book My Complete Profile by Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. For example in  Is Justice In or Out: An Appeal to all citizens of the earth.
The link:


Israel is being allowed by the world's rulers to commit omnicide. All people must neutralize Israel. And all rulers must make their differences subordinate to a nature centric bottomline of removing dams which cause climate change to the extent of 92 percent and engage in preserving forests which cause no earthquakes. 


There is omnicide in progress in Palesteine. Let nature be the bottomline for living in harmony. Remove the dams and reforest. Not help others In their omnicidal goals. The crimes of contaminating Palestine are well documented(1). The most recent is the demolishing of concrete structures by carpet bombing releasing uranium with infinite biological effectiveness with graveyard consequences for life(2,3). The tragedy of anachronistic specialists not measuring uranium involuntary contamination is brought into fact from fiction in (4) when the Palestinians are experiencing " cement filled air" after unrelenting blasts from bombs dropped on Palestine's cement concrete jungles.
3. ECRR 2010.CHAP12. Uranium. In ECRR 2010 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk. The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionising Radiation. Regulators' Edition: Brussels 2010.
4. Rafat Alareer. Ed. 2014. "Gaza Writes Back". Just World Books. Virginia. In Short Story : "Spared" by Rawan Yaghi. P 49-52.


"It is almost a foregone conclusion that the crew of the GFCJ container train, the station master, and perhaps even the signal maintainer will be held responsible for ignoring the stipulated Automatic Signal territory protocol."

Why prejudge, rendering your submission almost invalid?

Stop fantasizing and show the data you have used to establish in real time situations like the serious railway accidents that have occurred, with transparent step by step simulations with and without AI, before and after the "accidents", unbundle the AI and associated software line by line with flow charts showing one to one correspondence between each step of all the occurrences. Prove the infallibility in forbidding the propagation of error. Till then your submission falls into the category of fantasy or worse.


During the Bhopal gas escape tragedy, the railway men flouted  inhuman government  orders and arranged relief trains to Bhopal. Similarly, concerned good Samaritans must organize water trains by setting up emergency water despatch centers from water surplus regions to those requiring life saving water. Jayati Jayati Bharata Mata!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Rafah soup vs Hungarian goulash

 © 2023 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

U.N. top court orders Israel to ‘immediately halt’ Rafah offensive


You world leaders enforce both the ICC and the ICJ decisions and orders on pain of more leaders being accused by facts on the ground of being directly responsible for omnicide.

Rafah offensive
Savage heartless omnicide
Spawned ten decades back

Spawned ten decades back
Jewish state in Palestine
Imperial dream

Displacing locals
Palestines people displaced
Three quarter million

Count Bernadot shot
Killing one's own built Israel
To locals rancor

Dimona demon
Great position of evil
Swallow Palestine!

India and Israel
Engage in trade relations
US rulers love

But Charbahar No!
US will apply sanctions
We are like Iran!

Biggest enemy
Mining nature killing her
Dams- gravity slaves.

Dams cause climate change
All designs made invalid.
Invent a new wheel

But with dams still in
You will be completely gone
To fossil records.

Rise up remove Dams
Regenerate life-her charms
Suck negentropy

Stop bombing buildings
They release uranium
Life's extreme danger

Stop all your wars now
Bring back the climax forests
Grand negentropy!

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 

25 May 2024

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Last Hamas, the last Jew, the last human or the last dam and forest regeneration?

The Last Hamas, the last Jew, the last human or the last dam and forest regeneration?

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E., M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2023 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


During the holocaust 6 million Jews were killed. So Israel by the policy they are following regarding Hamas/Palestine must be busy killing millions of Germans to deliver collective elimination. So why this hypocrisy? Discretion is the better part of valour? When the Germans were taken prisoners by Britain, a British Officer controlling the POW camp is alleged to have asked of the German POWs, “WHY did you not kill all of them?”

After all the horrors being perpetrated  that I am seeing being shown on Al Jazeera I am inclined to ask Ishwara whether what the British Officer asked of the POWS is becoming prophetic in the present context regarding the perpetrators, including all supporting the evil doers.

But now, for all these nations a much bigger enemy in the form of the entire World’s dams belonging to all the nations is so infinitely superior in its destructiveness compared to the armed forces of all the nations put together, as to render all the designs of modern civilization invalid for living. In such a predicament it is prudent to apply the precautionary principle and immediately end the wars and concentrate on removing the dams and allowing FOREST regeneration and with the help of all the peoples' cooperation to do emergency analogous reforestation including pastures and natural lakes lasting for millennia.

In fact, there are insoluble problems created with eliminating the last Hamas or the last Jew because they are living beings having souls. When you kill the body, the soul enters another body and so the problem may remain insoluble. But at any instant of time, there will be only a finite number of Hamas, Jews and others who may be killed. So the soul may enter a baby of another species which has just been born and waiting for a soul. In this way because of the wild man’s stupid actions, the human species may be relegated to the fossil records.

But not so with the removal of all dams belonging to all the nations, because they are non- living slaves of gravity. And so no problem with removing the last dam! So the world's rulers must move on to eliminate the true killers and see the reality on the ground. Change your constitution to nature-centric and save your souls!

Check out Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2023. Is Justice In or Out? Wars, ecological health and world dam dynamics. 



Ramaswami Ashok Kumar,

Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

Tel 02223872061.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Wars, ecological health and world dam dynamics

© Copyright 2023 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 


The article states : " Involve the local population and grass-roots bodies in determining the carrying capacity of the Indian Himalayan Region".
Please note that the carrying capacity is a concept which is thoroughly discredited since the advent of the dam era(1,2,3).
So I make the following suggestion to the world's leaders for changing this abnormal modern civilization:
First listen to this fervent submission by a South African lawyer at the ICJ:,vid:HOeGQ-NwF5c,st:0

But see the evil response:

The urgent need to see the ground reality and act:

Nature abhors vacuum!
Where will you be and what action you will take when the strip you are in is attacked by all the world’s dams belonging to all the nations with the ferocity of 1000 one megaton hydrogen bomb explosions causing geomorphological changes rendering the movement of ten trillion tons of earth into the sea?
See that the earthquakes caused by the world's dams are occurring more and more in the cratons- Morocco, Turkey(Atlas mountain)/Syria, Tajikistan. The 7.8 MM magnitude earthquake in Turkey caused damages including at the following places:

Ashdod,Israel, Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 31.801447, 34.643497. Known as one of the oldest settlements of the world, Ashdod is a city in coastal Israel.
Antakya 36.20655, 36.15722
Golbasi 37.783409,37.641858
Hatay 36.2,36.166668+
Afrin Latitude: 36.512278: Afrin Longitude: 36.865389

M 7.8 - Pazarcik earthquake, Kahramanmaras earthquake sequence
2023-02-06 01:17:34 (UTC)37.226°N 37.014°E10.0 km depth

See Google Earth Figure below(Click  on the Figure to see the full picture):

The damages have all been caused on the fault line running throughout the strip Israel, Lebanon, Gaza,  West Syria and Turkey.
See the chilling description of the Impact of the 7.8 MM moment magnitude earthquake in Turkey on 6 February 2023 at significant earthquake USGS website(Click on the Figure below to see the text):

Note that the catastrophes caused by world's dams including earthquakes are due to forces suddenly applied on the regions which are many orders of magnitude higher than all that the defense forces of the entire set of nations on the globe can muster.


During the holocaust 6 million Jews were killed. So  Israel by the policy they are following regarding Hamas/Palestine must be busy killing millions of Germans to deliver collective elimination. So why this hypocrisy? Discretion is the better part of valour? When the Germans were taken prisoners by Britain, a British  officer controlling the POW camp is alleged to have asked of the German POWs, WHY did you not kill all of them? But now for all these nations a much bigger enemy in the form of the entire World’s dams belonging to all the nations is so infinitely superior to the armed forces of all the nations put together as to render all the designs of modern civilization invalid for living. In such a predicament it is prudent to apply the precautionary principle and immediately end the wars and concentrate on removing the dams and allowing FOREST regeneration and with the help of all the peoples' cooperation to do emergency analogous reforestation including pastures and natural lakes.
In fact, there are insoluble problems created with eliminating the last Hamas or the last Jew because they are living beings having souls. When you kill the body, the soul enters another body and so the problem may remain insoluble. But not so with the removal of all dams belonging to all the nations, because they are non- living slaves of gravity. And so no problem with removing the last dam! So the world's rulers must move on to eliminate the true  killers and see the reality on the ground. Change your constitution to nature-centric and save your souls!
"Why did you not kill all of them?" the British Officer in charge of the POW camp holding German POWs in Britain is alleged to have asked the POWs. After all the horrors that I have seen being shown on Al Jazeera being perpetrated I am inclined to ask Ishwara whether what the British Officer asked of the POWS is becoming prophetic in the present context regarding the perpetrators, including all supporting the evil doers.

You foolish rulers, life is not due to your acts. You will be relegated to the fossil records by nature. So take part in global action for a nature-centric way of life by all people and other life in harmony to remove the dams and allowing FOREST REGENERATION.Stop this stupidity all of you foolish rulers. Check out Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Is Justice In or Out? An Appeal to all citizens of the earth.blogspot. Link:
It reads:
Dear citizens,

All the dams of the world are threatening the security of all the nations by applying sudden pressures which cause the structures to collapse. They are causing geomorphological changes equivalent to 1000 one megaton thermonuclear bombs exploding and moving ten trillion tons of earth in a jiffy in each disaster. They are suddenly inputting shock temperatures to the earth of millions to billions of degrees of Kelvin causing liquefaction and landslides, forest and wild fires, extremes of climate everywhere. The pulls and pushes of the earth in vertical direction are hundreds to thousands of g's or even more applied as impulses. Such disasters are putting the security of each and every nation into jeopardy because of dams outside their boundaries as well as within. Citizens of every nation must come together, remove the dams and cause forest regeneration to be nurtured allowing the diversity and density of nature to come back. This will enable us to live by sucking negentropy from the earth instead heaping infinite entropy to reach sudden pralaya. The Supreme commander of our defense will definitely ensure our security  by causing the genesis and support of life.

See how modern civilization's designs are made invalid by world dam dynamics at Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: World Dam Dynamics makes nuclear reactor designs invalid.


Cooperate please to reverdure for security of all life

1. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2006. Earthquakes Caused by Dams: Link:
2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2015. Predicting earthquakes: The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change. Link:
3. Reforest Mother Earth to Live. 2023. World Dam Dynamics makes Modern civilization and its designs invalid for living.