Wednesday, August 23, 2023

An Appeal to all citizens of the earth.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

Dear citizens,


All the dams of the world are threatening the security of all the nations by applying sudden pressures which cause the structures to collapse. They are causing geomorphological changes equivalent to 1000 one megaton thermonuclear bombs exploding and moving ten trillion tons of earth in a jiffy in each disaster. They are suddenly inputting shock temperatures to the earth of millions to billions of degrees of Kelvin causing liquefaction and landslides, forest and wild fires, extremes of climate everywhere. The pulls and pushes of the earth in vertical direction are hundreds to thousands of g's or even more applied as impulses. Such disasters are putting the security of each and every nation into jeopardy because of dams outside their boundaries as well as within. Citizens of every nation must come together, remove the dams and cause forest regeneration to be nurtured allowing the diversity and density of nature to come back. This will enable us to live by sucking negentropy from the earth instead heaping infinite entropy to reach sudden pralaya. The Supreme commander of our defense will definitely ensure our security  by causing the genesis and support of life.
See how modern civilization's designs are made invalid by world dam dynamics at Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: World Dam Dynamics makes nuclear reactor designs invalid.
Cooperate please to reverdure for security of all life.
With best regards,
Ramaswami Ashok Kumar,
BE., M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.


Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

Re: Point of No-return in the Himalayas. Editorial. Deccan Herald. DHNS. 25 August 2023
The editor misses the stark truth that Anthropocene’s World Dam Dynamics is impressing persisting sudden water pressures of maxima of the order of million to billion fold the elevation of Mount Everest(8848 m) on the local regions throughout the world. These moment to moment impulsive catastrophic forces with a mean magnitude of hundreds of Mt Everest heights and mean duration of 3 to 5 minutes applied by the world’s dam content changes is manifesting as moment to moment deadly effects. This phenomenon whose common antecedent is World Dam Dynamics is given the bland name of climate change(92 percent of climate change is due to World Dam Dynamics) by modern civilization’s specialists without ever mentioning the dams of the world in their cartels of publications. They recognise only ghgs which cause only 8 percent of climate change. There is absolutely no time to lose as this is brute force attack on all the nations of the world by all the dams of the world.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

This is not the way to make food. This is the way to make poison. Kurt Goedel's set theory, Erwin Shroedinger's What is life and true knowledge as given in the sacred Srimad Bhagavadgita prove the utter failure of the GM concept. Thus true knowledge invalidates all GM food designs. The only way to design around ignorance is production, consumption and RETURN which the Gita warns is the wheel of life and must not be violated. See Ashok Kumar R. 1986. Modern Civilization and Normal Civilization: The Need for Small Self-Sufficient Communities. GANDHI MARG. Vol. 8. No.2. May 1986. Pp 70-92. The votaries of GM foods are violating the Constitution of India and must be hauled up by due process by lightning track peoples' cooperation now. Modern civilization is invalid for living and must be replaced by normal ways.
The link:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...


There is nothing more tragic than ignorance in action. The common antecedent to such disasters is the world's dams and their ferocity and frequency renders all the designs of modern civilization invalid. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023.Reforest Mother Earth to Live: World Dam Dynamics makes Modern civilization and its designs invalid for living.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

The leaders of the nations are represented typically by Israel's and Hamas. And nature is reacting to these wild persons to relegate them to fossil records. Man is just a part of nature like others. Not her conqueror. What answer have these wild persons to dams? All the world's dams are attacking all the nations every 5 minutes with the ferocity of 1000 one megaton hydrogen bomb explosions causing geomorphological changes of moving ten trillion tons of earth as being witnessed in the daily powdering of the Himalayas into dust bowls. Your defense forces are insignificant compared with the powers of nature being unleashed. World leaders tackle this tragedy of dams created by you now and force all warring nations to remove the dams and allow forest regeneration with people's cooperatives. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: Be nature - centric or perish! blogspot.