Friday, April 11, 2014


The Devil:
Stop nukes?? Sorry not going to happen. If anything nuclear power capacity is only increasing. The work for KKNPP 3 and 4 have already begun. At present around 10 reactors are in construction in India. It means that the citizens have rejected your hocus phocus. The information of ICRP is very much enough to convince people that nuclear power poses no threat to humanity. You should be locked in a mental asylum for life. Clown!
Reply by me
Fool! Do you realise? Realise you may be having uranium in your DNA! See the implications of  that for your brain. See ECRR 2010 and gasp how ICRP recoms are just witchcraft made during the preDNA era. Whom are you trying to deceive?  Realise the infinite biological effectiveness of uranium. And stop calumny . You are committing a crime against humanity for all time by being an accomplice of action leading to omnicide. Citizens become aware of the unacceptable dangers of nuclear energy and stop nukes now. Make this feller go and worry how to keep nuclear wastes from the biosphere. Make him realise if he has a mind that nuclear safety is too difficult to solve. See my primer being digested by the thousands worldwide. I am putting up that not a single unit of electricity will be delivered to society outside the nuclear industry for several decades by his foolish nuke program. This is the biggest scam of all time. What audit has he of safety of nukes with ICRP? Nothing people nothing. His is criminal calumny. Read anushakti santaanamukti. Look at the history of the energy audit of the USA, Japan and French Nuke programs and digest this fact: I throw a challenge. And dont discuss without solid facts. Here are my solid facts: Till 1991, after 40 years of the nuke program, the USA had installed 106166 MW nuke capacity but delivered to society outside the nuke industry an estimated 125991 MW-years of electricity against an estimated invested energy into the nuke program of 489174 MW-y. Japan after 35 years into the n-program by 1991,had nuke installed capacity of 31645 MW but delivered 1197 MW-y nuclear energy against an investment of 231264 MW-y. France was 22 y into the n-program by 1991,had installed capacity of nukes of 54474 MW, had invested 269808 MW-y in building nukes but delivered -20193.5 MW-y, that is, it was still supplying energy to nuke industry and the society received nothing! On what basis is the government of India going ahead with its nuke program of 24000 MW capacity, when its energy audit shows that 28 years into the nuke program by 2025, it will still be supplying energy to the nuke industry by 8016 MW-y while the energy investment in the n-program would be 112000 MW-y? Either put up or shut up. Writing personal defamatory attacks on fellow citizens displays a crack like the ICRP is compared to science that is contained in ECRR 2010. My writings are known and read worldwide. May I know your facts? Indians rise up against traitors and stop nukes.
The full encounter is at
References: Refer to my complete profile by google search for Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
1. Energy Audit of the Indian Nuclear Programme
2. The Unacceptable Dangers of Nuclear Energy.
3. Energy Audit of Nuclear Fuel Cycles.
4. Kudankulam and cancer deaths.
5. ECRR 2010.
R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

1 comment:

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar said...

It is because of these radiological, chemical and biological wars that we see enormous synergistic effects on thermal, radiochemical activities as well as agricultural production and on forests. The corresponding deterioration in the genetic pool of life has resulted in evil virusus evolving and shutting down modern civilization, a wonderful response by nature.
The way we should go forward is to buy an armed truce with the enemy- modern civilization and then adopt a normal way of life which focuses on RETURN of all that we took from nature in a form that is acceptable to her. Stop the further business as usual- the first step has been forced on the wild people- shut down!
Imperishable is the supreme. Its location is each individual being is called Adhyatma. The offering in return which causes the genesis and support of beings is called karma. Do thou thine karma. You have seen my order a la Caronavirus-COVID-19. Let truth guide your policy for a normal way of life: In small self sufficient communities-enjoyable use of living energy.